Party Videos

Training Videos

Welcome to our exclusive collection of Training Videos, your ultimate guide to mastering the art of event planning. Whether you’re just stepping into the world of events or looking to elevate your existing business, our videos are designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how to create unforgettable experiences. From detailed set-up instructions and real-life party examples to essential checklists and marketing strategies, each video is packed with valuable insights and practical advice. Dive into our training resources and discover the tools and techniques that will set your events apart. Let’s embark on this journey together, transforming your passion for event planning into a thriving business.

Digital Design Services

Create Unique Parties That Elevate Your Business with Our Training Videos

Dive into our selection of training videos, thoughtfully created to help you design unique and memorable parties that can significantly boost your business. These videos are tailored to enhance your party skills, offering innovative ideas and techniques that set your services apart in the bustling party industry. Learn how to craft one-of-a-kind experiences that not only delight your clients but also drive business growth.

Teepee Training Videos

We’ve designed these videos to provide you with comprehensive knowledge about setting up the perfect teepee party. From the basics of assembly to the finer details of decoration and theme integration, our videos cover it all.

Two pink stars on a white background.
Two pink stars on a white background.

Slime Party

Get ready to host amazing slime parties! Our concise training videos guide you through everything from setup to creative slime-making and fun decorations. Learn fast, host fantastic events. 

Website Training

 We cover basics, user experience. 

Build A Bear Training

Discover the joy of setting up build a bear parties with our quick training guide. Learn selection, stuffing techniques, and personalization tips to create heartwarming parties that bring smiles to all ages

Spa & Lip Gloss Traing

Transform your events with our spa and DIY lip gloss training. Get insights into setting up a relaxing spa atmosphere and creating custom lip glosses, adding a touch of luxury and personal care to your offerings.

Glamping Training

Master the art of glamping with our quick setup guide. Learn about selecting the perfect location, and tent decoration, and creating a comfortable, stylish outdoor/ indoor experience that guests will love.

Two pink stars on a white background.
Two pink stars on a white background.

Paining Party Training

Dive into the world of colors with our painting party training. We cover everything from setting up art stations to choosing themes and materials, ensuring a fun and creative experience for all participants.

CRM Training

Enhance your customer relationships with our CRM training insights. Learn how to efficiently manage contacts, track interactions, and personalize customer experiences, driving loyalty and growth.

Movie Set Up Training

Create unforgettable movie nights with our setup training. Get tips on choosing the right equipment, creating a cozy ambiance, and selecting films to ensure a successful and enjoyable outdoor / indoor cinema experience.


Alongside our expert training videos, we provide a tailored inventory list for each topic. These lists detail the essential tools, materials, and resources recommended for successfully implementing the skills and techniques covered in the videos. It’s our way of ensuring you have everything you need to bring your new knowledge to life.


Special Training Bundle Deal: Comprehensive Learning at a Discounted Price

Seize this opportunity with our special training bundle offer, now available at a discounted rate! For a limited time, get access to 6 of our expert training videos for just $300, significantly lower than the regular price of $399.99. This bundle includes a diverse range of topics, offering valuable insights and practical skills for various event themes and business strategies. Please note that this offer excludes the teepee training video. Enhance your expertise and broaden your business capabilities with this cost-effective deal.

Experience 85%
Communication 95%
Service 90%
A bunch of pink balloons on a white background.
A stack of books with a pink bow on top.
Four different shades of pink, brown, and beige.
The logo for slumber party supplies.
A pink computer screen with a pink mouse and keyboard.
Four different shades of pink, brown, and beige.


Why Choose Our Training Videos?

Our training videos are a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their event planning skills or expand their business knowledge. Here are key reasons why they are an essential tool:

  1. Expert Knowledge at Your Fingertips: Each video is packed with insights and tips from industry professionals, giving you access to expert knowledge anytime, anywhere.

  2. Practical and Applicable: We focus on practical skills and real-world applications, ensuring you can directly apply what you learn to your events or business operations.

  3. Convenience and Flexibility: Learn at your own pace and on your own schedule. Our videos allow you to pause, rewind, and revisit key concepts as needed.

  4. Cost-Effective Learning: With our training videos, you receive high-quality education at a fraction of the cost of in-person seminars or workshops.

  5. Diverse Range of Topics: Covering a variety of themes and business strategies, our videos offer a comprehensive learning experience that caters to a wide range of interests and needs.

Experience 85%
Communication 95%
Service 90%


Comprehensive Training Video Packages: Elevate Your Event Planning Business

A pink cactus on a white background.

Our training video packages are meticulously designed to provide you with a holistic understanding and hands-on experience in the art of event planning. Each package is a treasure trove of resources, aimed at equipping you with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to host successful and memorable parties. Here’s what you can expect with each purchase:

  1. Set-Up Videos: Step-by-step guides on how to set up your event space, ensuring every detail is perfect for your party.

  2. Hosted Party Videos: Real-life examples of parties we’ve hosted, giving you insights into how to manage and execute events smoothly.

  3. Inventory List: A comprehensive list of all the items we use, from decor to equipment, helping you prepare and stock up on necessary supplies.

  4. Digital Terms and Conditions: Specific to each party theme, ensuring you understand the do’s and don’ts of using our materials and content.

  5. Checklist for Set-Up: A detailed checklist to guide you through the entire set-up process, ensuring nothing is overlooked.

  6. Marketing Strategy Tips: Proven marketing strategies and tips to help you promote your parties effectively and attract more clients.

  7. Limited Support: We offer support for your first 2 booked parties, guiding you through any challenges and ensuring your events are a success.

  8. Training Calls: Scheduled calls with our team to go over any questions you might have and to provide further insights into the event planning process.

  9. In-Person Party Training: An exclusive opportunity to join us for a party set-up and learn in person. Please note, travel and related expenses for this training are the responsibility of the participant.

This comprehensive package is designed not just to teach you about event planning but to immerse you in the experience, providing practical, real-world insights and support. Whether you’re new to the industry or looking to expand your services, our training videos are your gateway to mastering the art of memorable events.”

Embark on your event planning journey with confidence, backed by our expert guidance and support.



Experience 85%
Communication 95%
Service 90%
A computer screen with an inventory list on it.
Four different shades of pink, brown, and beige.

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Training Bundle Discount

A stack of books with a pink bow on top.