

Got questions? We’ve got answers! Browse through our FAQ section for quick, clear information on our services, products, and processes. Here, we address your most common queries, providing you with the insights you need to make informed decisions. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly for personalized assistance.

A pink cactus on a white background.
The Transform Your Events includes a pink tent complete with a cozy table and chairs for an unforgettable movie viewing experience.
Four different shades of pink, brown, and beige.

When you sign up for a website with us, a mandatory monthly fee of $50 is required for hosting and securing your website. This fee covers the essential services needed to keep your website running smoothly and securely. Our hosting service ensures that your website is accessible to your customers at all times, while our security measures protect your site from potential threats. This comprehensive hosting and security package is an integral part of maintaining a professional and reliable online presence for your business.

As part of our ongoing commitment to keeping your website up-to-date and aligned with your business needs, we offer the flexibility of making up to 2 changes to your website each month. These changes can include updates to content, images, or minor layout adjustments. This policy is designed to ensure that your website remains fresh and relevant without incurring additional costs. We encourage you to plan these changes thoughtfully to make the most of this service.

Upon completing your purchase, you can expect to receive an email within 24 hours that includes login details to our exclusive portal. This portal grants you access not only to the training videos but also to resources like inventory lists and additional support materials. Make sure to check your email, including the spam folder, for these important login credentials. If you encounter any issues or do not receive the email, please contact our customer support for prompt assistance.

Our standard timeframe for developing a website is typically 2 weeks. This process includes creating a mock-up of your website for approval and then proceeding with the full development. However, this timeline is contingent on timely collaboration from you, the customer. We rely on you to provide necessary materials and approve the website mock-up promptly. Delays in receiving these from you can extend the development time. We strive to work efficiently and meet our 2-week goal, but effective communication and cooperation are key to maintaining this schedule.

The CRM is built within 3-4 days. 

Absolutely! We provide detailed DIY plans with every teepee purchase, making it easy for you to set up and customize your teepee.

You can schedule a consultation by filling out our contact form on the website, and we'll get in touch to discuss your party planning needs.

We offer comprehensive training packages that include videos, guides, and resources on setting up teepees, managing parties, and growing your

While we do not offer refunds, we are committed to your satisfaction. If your teepee or any custom item arrives damaged or does not match your order specifications, we will promptly address the issue. In such cases, we will send you a replacement to ensure that you receive the product you ordered in perfect condition. Our goal is to make it right and ensure that you are completely satisfied with your purchase.

We take great care in packaging our products to ensure they reach you in perfect condition. However, please note that we are not responsible for damages incurred during shipping by third-party carriers. If your item arrives damaged due to shipping, we recommend contacting the shipping carrier directly to file a claim. While we cannot be held liable for damages caused during transit, we are happy to provide guidance on how to proceed with the carrier to address the issue.

Yes, we provide complete support for setting up your website and CRM, tailored to streamline your party business operations.

Delivery times vary based on location. Typically, it takes 2 weeks till they ship out because they are custom made to order.

Yes, we offer special discounts on bulk orders. Right now if you buy all of our training programs we offer a bulk discount at $300.00 verse the $399.99. 

Ongoing support is part of our service package. You can access it by purchasing our support plan, details of which are available on our website.

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Two pink stars on a white background.

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A stack of books with a pink bow on top.